New Update! 'Offer Website Visit' Field

Drive traffic to your website, providing prospects with more information about your products or services

New Update! 'Offer Website Visit' Field
Adam Palicz
Jun 3, 2024

What is the 'Offer Website Visit' Field?

This feature allows you to include a website link in your email campaigns, directing prospects to your site for more information about your products or services.

How It Works

  • Enter the URL of your corporate website or a specific landing page. The format should be

Adding a website link helps drive traffic to your site, providing prospects with more detailed information about your offerings. This can enhance engagement and potentially increase conversions by allowing prospects to explore your products or services further.

Tips for Using the Offer Website Visit Field

  • Relevant URL: Ensure the URL you provide is relevant and leads to a page that offers valuable information to your prospects.
  • Clear Call-to-Action: Use a clear call-to-action in your email to encourage recipients to visit the link.
  • Trackable Links: AI Piping tracks these links in metrics, counting them as part of the Click-Through Rate (CTR). This helps monitor how many recipients click through to your website.

Primarily, the 'Offer Website Visit' field will be used in later emails in the sequence. While the main goal of the campaigns is not to drive visits but to encourage replies or bookings, redirecting leads to your website can help establish credibility, especially for those who haven't responded to earlier emails.

Benefits of Using Offer Website Visit
Including a website link in your email campaigns can drive traffic to your site, providing prospects with the opportunity to learn more about your products or services and increasing the likelihood of conversions.