New Update! Unsubscribe Link Option

Choose whether to include an unsubscribe link in AI Piping email campaigns, balancing compliance with potential deliverability impacts.

New Update! Unsubscribe Link Option
Adam Palicz
Jun 4, 2024

Overview of Unsubscribe Link Feature

In AI Piping, clients have the option to include an unsubscribe link in their email campaigns. This setting is available under the advanced settings in the new email campaign menu.

Implications of Adding an Unsubscribe Link

  • Compliance: Adding an unsubscribe link makes your campaign fully compliant with many email marketing regulations, enhancing the professionalism and legality of your outreach.
  • Deliverability Impact: Although compliance is increased, the presence of an unsubscribe link may decrease deliverability. Email service providers can filter emails containing unsubscribe links, recognizing them as part of bulk or marketing campaigns.

Strategic Considerations

  • Perception as Regular Communication: The goal of hyper-personalized email campaigns is often to mimic ordinary person-to-person interaction, which typically does not include unsubscribe links. By avoiding such links, the emails appear more like regular, everyday communications rather than cold email campaigns.
  • Legal Requirements: Depending on the targeted countries or regions, the legal requirements for including unsubscribe links can vary. Generally, for the volume of emails AI Piping sends (up to 50 emails per day), it is not mandatory to provide an unsubscribe option.

Deciding to Include Unsubscribe Links

The decision to include unsubscribe links should consider both the potential for decreased deliverability and the need to comply with applicable regulations. Clients should weigh the importance of appearing as routine correspondence against the need for compliance in their specific operating regions.

For further guidance on the best practices for using unsubscribe links in your campaigns, please reach out to our support team at