Optimizing Email Frequency and Volume

AI Piping optimizes email timing and frequency for maximum engagement without overwhelming recipients.

Optimizing Email Frequency and Volume
Adam Palicz
Apr 30, 2024

Understanding the Impact of Frequency and Volume on Email Deliverability

Email frequency and volume are critical factors in any email marketing campaign, as they can significantly impact your sender reputation and email deliverability. Sending too many emails too frequently, especially if inconsistent with past behavior, can trigger spam filters, causing your emails to land in the spam folder rather than the inbox. It’s crucial to strike a balance that keeps your audience engaged without overwhelming them.

AI Piping’s Approach to Email Frequency and Volume

At AI Piping, we prioritize high-quality, engaging emails over mass sending. Our platform is designed to ensure that:

  • We maintain a limit of sending no more than 50 emails per day. This cap helps protect the sender’s reputation and ensures our emails are less likely to be marked as spam.
  • During the early warm-up phase of an email account, we further reduce the daily sending limit to 20 or 30 emails. This gradual increase in volume helps to build the email account’s reputation steadily and safely.
  • Emails are typically sent every 5 to 7 days, which prevents recipient fatigue and maintains interest and engagement. The only exception to this frequency is for campaigns using dynamically generated emails, which are tailored to user interactions and behaviors, requiring a more flexible sending schedule. To learn more about how dynamic email generation can enhance your email campaigns, please read our detailed article on this topic.

Balancing Engagement Without Overwhelming Your Audience

At AI Piping, we focus on balancing engagement without overwhelming your audience, which is key to successful email marketing. Our platform optimizes everything in the background, including the timing and frequency of emails, as well as daily email limits, to achieve the highest possible results. As a client, you don't need to manually adjust these parameters; our system dynamically adapts to your audience's behaviors and preferences using a data-driven approach. This strategy ensures effective communication by sending emails at optimal times and intervals, greatly enhancing campaign performance. While this method is safer than mass emailing, it requires patience as it focuses on building engagement gradually to maintain and enhance sender reputation effectively.

By adhering to these guidelines and utilizing AI Piping’s strategic approach to email frequency and volume, you can ensure that your email campaigns are both effective and respectful of your audience's inbox, leading to better engagement and improved deliverability.