Modifying Active Campaigns

Learn how to modify active campaigns in AI Piping, including which elements can be changed and which cannot.

Modifying Active Campaigns
Adam Palicz
May 5, 2024

How to Modify an Active Campaign

If you need to modify an active campaign in AI Piping:

  1. Select the "Campaigns" menu.
  2. Click "Details" on the campaign you'd like to modify.
  3. In the upper right corner, click the "Edit Campaign" button.

What Can Be Modified

  • Campaign name
  • Key value propositions
  • Pain points
  • Additional information

What Can't Be Modified

  • Prospect list (if a new prospect list is needed, start a new campaign)
  • Conversion type
  • Adding testimonials or case studies

These elements can't be changed in an active campaign as doing so would cause inconsistencies in the campaign's progression.

Important Notes

  • Changes made to active campaigns will only apply to future emails; previously generated emails will remain unchanged.

For further assistance with modifying active campaigns, please contact our support team at