New Update! Email Verification

Automatically verify and filter out high-risk emails from your prospect list, minimizing bounces and improving deliverability.

New Update! Email Verification
Adam Palicz
Jun 4, 2024

Minimizing Bounces and Bad Leads

In our ongoing efforts to improve your email marketing campaigns, we’re excited to introduce our email verification feature. This automatic function helps ensure that your emails reach the right recipients by filtering out addresses that are likely to bounce.

How It Works

  • Automatic Filtering: When you upload your prospect list, AI Piping’s system automatically scans and verifies the email addresses.
  • Bounce Prediction: Our advanced algorithms identify emails with a high likelihood of bouncing and filter them out before they can impact your campaign.

Benefits of Enhanced Email Verification

  • Reduced Bounce Rates: By removing high-risk email addresses, we significantly minimize the chances of your emails bouncing. While it’s impossible to eliminate bounces entirely, this feature ensures they are kept to an absolute minimum.
  • Improved Deliverability: With fewer bad leads and bounces, your overall email deliverability improves, enhancing the effectiveness of your campaigns.
  • Automatic Process: This feature is fully automated, meaning you don’t need to do anything extra. Just upload your prospect list, and our system takes care of the rest.

Effortless and Efficient

The email verification feature is designed to save you time and improve the quality of your email outreach. You can rest assured that your campaigns are targeting valid, high-quality email addresses, which helps maintain your sender reputation and improve engagement rates.

For more information on how to make the most of this feature and optimize your email campaigns, visit our Features page or reach out to our support team at