Draft Campaigns

Automatically save campaigns as drafts with full editing flexibility, or create and launch email campaigns when ready.

Draft Campaigns
Adam Palicz
Aug 22, 2024

We’re excited to introduce a new feature in the campaign menu that automatically saves your work as a draft the moment you enter a campaign name. This enhancement ensures that your progress is never lost, giving you the flexibility to decide how to proceed with your campaign.

Auto-Save Feature

As soon as you provide a campaign name, all the information you enter will be automatically saved as a draft campaign. This allows you to work at your own pace without worrying about losing your progress.

Choose Your Path: Draft or Create Email Campaign

Once you've entered all the required information, you have two options:

  1. Save as Draft: If you choose to save your campaign as a draft, you’ll have full editing access to all fields later. No emails will be generated, and therefore, no credits will be consumed. Draft campaigns will be available in the Campaigns menu on the left-hand side, allowing you to access and edit them at any time. This option is perfect if you want to review and fine-tune your campaign details before moving forward.
  2. Create Email Campaign: By selecting this option, the system will generate emails for your campaign. Once emails are generated, certain fields, such as the prospect list, will no longer be editable. Additionally, generating emails will consume credits from your account. This option is ideal when you’re ready to launch your campaign and start reaching out to your prospects.

Easily Duplicate Campaigns: Draft campaigns remain available even after creating an email campaign from them. This means you can easily duplicate draft campaigns for similar or related campaigns, saving time and ensuring consistency across your outreach efforts.

This new feature is designed to give you greater control over your campaigns, allowing you to perfect your strategy before committing resources. Whether you’re taking your time to draft the perfect outreach or ready to launch immediately, AI Piping’s auto-save and draft options provide the flexibility you need.

For any questions or assistance, feel free to contact our support team at info@aipiping.com.