Credit System

Learn how AI Piping's credit system allocates credits for prospect profiling and email generation in your campaigns.

Credit System
Adam Palicz
May 4, 2024

How the Credit System Works

The credit system at AI Piping is designed to allocate resources efficiently for each campaign. Here's a detailed breakdown of how credits are utilized:

1. Lead Profiling

  • Profiling each prospect costs 4 credits.
  • Profiling is essential before any emails can be sent.

2. Email Generation

  • Each email generated requires 1 credit.
  • With a five-email sequence, the maximum credits spent on a single prospect, including profiling, is 9 credits.

Credit Allocation

  • Credits are debited progressively:
    • 4 credits are debited for lead enrichment during profiling.
    • 1 credit is debited for each email generated.
  • Campaigns or audience processes are put on hold if credits reach or fall below 0, until additional credits are added by the customer.

Additional Information for New Users

  • Credit Balance Monitoring: Regularly check your credit balance to avoid interruptions in your campaigns. You can view your remaining credits in the account dashboard.
  • Purchasing Credits: When your credits run low, you can easily purchase additional credits through the AI Piping platform to keep your campaigns running smoothly.
  • Credits Never Expire: Your credits remain available for use without expiration, allowing you to manage campaigns flexibly.

If you have any questions about how credits work or need further clarification, feel free to reach out to our team at