Conversion Type Selection

Maximize campaign impact with AI Piping's new Conversion Type Selection—tailor how you track and define conversions.

Conversion Type Selection
Adam Palicz
May 29, 2024

At AI Piping, we understand that every interaction with your prospects can be pivotal. That's why we're excited to introduce a new feature in our campaign setup: the Conversion Type Selection option. This feature allows you to tailor how conversions are tracked and defined within your campaigns, aligning closer with your specific sales and marketing goals.

Choosing Your Conversion Criteria

Our new Conversion Type Selection tool provides flexibility in how you measure the success of your campaigns. Clients can now choose between three distinct conversion types:

  • Reply: Conversions are counted exclusively when a prospect replies to your emails. This option is perfect for campaigns where direct engagement and discussions are critical.
  • Calendar Booking + Reply: Every reply and each calendar booking initiated from the email count as conversions. Ideal for sales-focused campaigns where booking meetings or demos is a primary goal.
  • Link + Reply: Conversions are tracked when a prospect clicks on any link provided in the email—be it a subscription link, a link to your website, a landing page, or any other targeted URL—and when they reply. This option suits campaigns aiming to increase site traffic or specific actions on digital platforms.

How It Works

Setting up your preferred conversion type is straightforward:

  1. Navigate to the campaign settings in your dashboard.
  2. Under the 'Select Conversion Type' section, select the type of conversion that aligns with your campaign objectives.
  3. Once a conversion criterion is met by a prospect, further emails are halted for them, ensuring no redundant communications and enhancing the user experience.

Benefits of Custom Conversion Goals

Choosing the right conversion type for your campaign can significantly enhance its effectiveness by:

  • Aligning with Specific Objectives: Tailor the tracking to meet your exact campaign goals, whether it’s fostering discussions, securing meetings, or driving traffic and actions on your digital properties.
  • Optimizing Resources: By stopping the campaign for prospects who have met the conversion criteria, you save resources and focus efforts on engaging new leads.
  • Improving Prospect Experience: This targeted approach prevents overcommunication, enhancing the overall perception of your brand by prospects.


AI Piping’s new Conversion Type Selection feature empowers you to define what success looks like for your campaigns more clearly. With this enhancement, you can ensure that each campaign is optimized for maximum impact, tailored to specific actions that drive your business forward. Try out this new feature today and experience a more refined approach to managing your email campaigns. If you need assistance setting up, our team is here to help guide you through the process.