Bounce Rate

Minimize bounce rates by maintaining high-quality lead lists and verifying them regularly for optimal email deliverability.

Bounce Rate
Adam Palicz
May 1, 2024

What is Bounce Rate?

Bounce rate measures the percentage of emails that couldn’t be delivered to recipients. This metric is crucial as it indicates potential deliverability issues and the quality of your email list.

Benchmark for Bounce Rate

  • A bounce rate below 5% is considered healthy.
  • A bounce rate above 5% needs attention.
  • A bounce rate over 10% is critical and requires immediate action.

Hard vs. Soft Bounces

  • Hard Bounces: These occur when emails are permanently undeliverable. Common reasons include incorrect or non-existent email addresses. Hard bounces directly impact your sender reputation.
  • Soft Bounces: These are temporary issues that prevent email delivery, such as a full inbox or server downtime. Soft bounces typically resolve themselves, but consistent issues may indicate a need to re-engage the recipient.

Importance of Quality Lead Lists

To keep bounce rates as low as possible, it's vital to maintain a high-quality lead list. AI Piping only provides reliable leads that undergo a second verification process to minimize the chances of bounces. However, it's important to note that bounce rates can never be reduced to 0%.

Verifying Your Own Lead List

If you're using your own lead list, you can send it to with the subject line "Lead Verification," and AI Piping will help run the leads through a verification process to reduce bounce rates.

Recommendations for Managing Bounce Rate

  • Update and Verify Lead Lists Regularly: Outdated or poor-quality prospect lists can cause high bounce rates. Regularly update and verify your lists to ensure accuracy.
  • Monitor and Analyze Bounces: Track and analyze bounces to understand the reasons behind them and to take corrective action promptly.


Bounce rate is a vital metric for assessing the quality and deliverability of your email campaigns. By focusing on maintaining quality lead lists and verifying them regularly, you can minimize bounce rates and optimize the performance of your campaigns. With AI Piping’s lead verification tools and best practices, you can achieve better email deliverability and campaign success