Avoiding Special Characters in Dashboard Entries

Avoid using square [] and curly {} brackets in the dashboard to prevent unintended text appearing in your emails.

Avoiding Special Characters in  Dashboard Entries
Adam Palicz
May 5, 2024

To ensure a smooth experience with AI Piping, it's important to avoid using non-standard brackets like square [] and curly {}brackets when filling out fields in the dashboard. Our system treats these characters as references to a specific database, which is often unavailable. As a result, the content within the brackets is added to the email text as is, including the brackets.

Why This Happens

  • The system interprets [] and {} as indicators to replace content dynamically, expecting to find specific database fields to populate.
  • If these fields don't exist, the exact text inside the brackets is used instead.

What to Do Instead

  • Use only standard characters and punctuation in your dashboard entries to ensure the system reads your data correctly.
  • If you need to add special notes or indications, consider using alternative symbols or simply add them as regular text.

By following these guidelines, you can ensure that your data is processed correctly and your emails are delivered with the intended content. For any questions or assistance, please reach out to our team at info@aipiping.com.