New Update! Auto Domain

Enhance deliverability with AI Piping's Auto Domain, creating custom domains that reflect your brand for higher email volumes.

New Update! Auto Domain
Adam Palicz
Jun 5, 2024

What is Auto Domain?

The Auto Domain feature allows AI Piping to automatically create and manage a special custom domain for your cold email campaigns. This improves email delivery and lets you send more emails without affecting your main email address's reputation.

How It Works

  • Custom Domain Creation: When you enter your desired sender email address, AI Piping generates a similar custom domain that is closely related to your original one. For example, if your email is, we might create This way, the new domain is familiar and linked to your brand, helping recipients recognize your company while improving email delivery.
  • Reply-To Email Address: You can choose a different email address to receive replies. All responses will be sent here, including the full conversation thread. This helps you manage replies easily without affecting the custom domain.

Benefits of Auto Domain

  • Better Email Delivery: Using a custom domain helps your emails avoid spam filters and reach recipients' inboxes.
  • More Email Capacity: Custom domains allow you to send more emails without hurting your main email address's reputation.
  • Data Protection: AI Piping only has access to the emails you send and receive as part of the campaign. We cannot read or access your main email account, making this a great solution for data protection.

Can Auto Domain Be Considered Phishing?

No, the Auto Domain feature is not considered phishing. Here’s why:

  1. Transparency: We are clear about the use of custom domains, ensuring recipients are informed.
  2. Brand Consistency: The custom domain is closely related to your original one, making it easily recognizable and trustworthy.
  3. Legitimate Purpose: The main goal is to improve email deliverability and protect your main domain’s reputation, not to deceive recipients.
  4. Security Measures: We use email authentication protocols like SPF, DKIM, and DMARC to ensure emails are legitimate and protect against phishing.


AI Piping’s Auto Domain feature creates and manages special domain names for your email campaigns, making sure your emails get delivered while keeping your brand visible to recipients. This feature helps improve email delivery and allows you to send more emails.

Note: The first time you want to activate the Auto Domain feature, please contact the AI Piping team for assistance.

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please reach out to our support team at