The Ultimate Technical Guide to Setting Up Cold Email Campaigns
Digital Transformation
Digital Transformation
Jun 18, 2024

The Ultimate Technical Guide to Setting Up Cold Email Campaigns

Cold email campaigns can be incredibly effective for lead generation, networking, and outreach. However, their success heavily depends on a well-structured technical setup. In this guide, we'll cover the essential steps and best practices to ensure your cold email campaigns are optimized for performance and deliverability.

1. Starting with a New Custom Domain

When launching a cold email campaign, it's advisable to purchase a new custom domain and create a completely new email address. Here’s why:

Reputation Management

Using a new domain helps protect your primary domain’s reputation. Cold emails can sometimes be marked as spam, and having a separate domain mitigates the risk of damaging your main domain’s deliverability.


A custom domain adds credibility and professionalism to your emails, making recipients more likely to engage. Think about it – if you were to receive an email from versus, which one would you trust more?

Domain Selection

Choose a domain that is short, memorable, and relevant to your business. Avoid using domains that look suspicious or spammy.

Imagine you're reaching out to a potential client for AI Piping. Would you rather your email come from or A relevant domain shows that you’re serious and professional, which can significantly improve engagement rates.

Key Tips for Domain Selection:

  • Keep it Short and Sweet: A shorter domain is easier to remember and type.
  • Relevant to Your Business: It should reflect your brand or the service you’re offering.
  • Avoid Numbers and Hyphens: These can be confusing and are often associated with spammy domains.
  • Check Availability: Ensure the domain is available and hasn’t been used for any nefarious purposes in the past.

2. Allocating Email Addresses

Once you’ve set up your new custom domain, the next crucial step in your cold email campaign is allocating the right number of email addresses. For each custom domain, it’s recommended to create 3 to 5 email addresses. Here’s the rationale:

Avoiding Blacklisting

One of the biggest risks in cold emailing is getting your email address blacklisted. If you send too many emails from a single address, spam filters may flag and block your emails, significantly hurting your deliverability. By distributing your emails across multiple addresses, you reduce the risk of any single address being flagged or blacklisted. This strategy spreads out the email volume and makes your campaign appear more organic and less spammy.

Higher Volume

Using multiple email addresses allows you to increase the total volume of emails you send while staying within safe sending limits for each individual address. This is particularly important as it ensures that each email account remains under the radar of spam filters, thereby maintaining higher deliverability rates.

Think about it this way: If each of your 5 email addresses can send up to 50 emails per day, that’s a potential 250 emails daily across your campaign. Compare that to just 50 from a single address, and it’s clear why spreading the load is beneficial.

Key Benefits of Multiple Email Addresses:

  • Enhanced Deliverability: Reduces the chance of your emails ending up in spam folders.
  • Improved Reputation: Keeps each email address within acceptable sending limits, maintaining a good sender reputation.
  • Operational Flexibility: Allows you to test different email formats, subject lines, and messaging strategies across different addresses.

Practical Tips for Managing Multiple Email Addresses

  1. Naming Conventions: Use consistent naming conventions to keep track of each address. For example,,, etc.
  2. Email Tracking Tools: Utilize email tracking tools to monitor the performance of each address. This will help you identify any issues quickly and adjust your strategy as needed.
  3. Email Rotation: Rotate the email addresses you use each day to evenly distribute your sending volume and further avoid detection by spam filters.

By following these practices, you'll optimize your cold email campaigns for better performance and higher engagement, ensuring your outreach efforts for AI Piping are as effective as possible. Stay tuned for the next section, where we'll delve into the importance of email warm-up and how to do it right.

3. Understanding Email Sending Limits

When it comes to cold emailing, understanding and adhering to email sending limits is crucial to maintain deliverability and avoid getting flagged as spam. There are different practices for warmed-up email accounts versus non-warmed-up ones. Let's break it down:

Warmed-Up Emails

For email accounts that have been properly warmed up, you can safely send 30-50 emails per day per account. Warming up an email account involves gradually increasing the number of emails sent each day. This process helps build a good sending reputation with email service providers (ESPs).

Why is this important?

  • Improved Deliverability: Gradually increasing the volume of emails helps ensure that your messages reach the recipient's inbox rather than getting caught in spam filters.
  • Trust Building: ESPs recognize and trust your email account as a legitimate sender over time, which is essential for maintaining high deliverability rates.

Non-Warmed-Up Emails

For new or non-warmed-up email accounts, the sending limit should be much lower. It’s recommended to start with 10-20 emails per day and gradually increase the number as the account warms up.

Why the lower limit?

  • Avoiding Spam Filters: New email accounts that send a high volume of emails too quickly are likely to be flagged as spam.
  • Building a Positive Reputation: Slowly increasing the email volume allows the ESP to recognize the account as a legitimate sender.

Key Tips for Warming Up Email Accounts:

  • Start Small: Begin with a low volume of emails and gradually increase the number by 5-10 emails per day.
  • Consistent Sending: Send emails consistently every day to establish a pattern and build trust with ESPs.
  • Monitor Feedback: Pay attention to the bounce rates and spam complaints. Adjust the sending volume if you notice any negative feedback.

By understanding and implementing these email sending limits, you can ensure your cold email campaigns for AI Piping are effective and maintain high deliverability rates. Next, we’ll explore the importance of email warm-up in more detail and how to do it right.

4. The Importance of Email Warm-Up

Email warm-up is the process of gradually increasing the volume of emails sent from a new account. This step is crucial for several reasons:

Building Trust

When you start sending emails from a new account, email service providers (ESPs) need to recognize you as a legitimate sender. Gradual increase in email activity helps build trust with ESPs. By starting with a small number of emails and slowly increasing the volume, you establish a consistent and reliable sending pattern that ESPs will trust.

Avoiding Spam Filters

One of the main reasons for email warm-up is to avoid spam filters. If you suddenly start sending a large volume of emails from a new account, it raises red flags for ESPs, and your emails are more likely to be flagged as spam. Warm-up ensures that your emails reach the inbox, rather than getting trapped in spam filters.

Establishing Reputation

A positive sending reputation is essential for the success of your cold email campaigns. The warm-up process helps in establishing a positive sending reputation for your new email addresses. ESPs track your sending behavior, and a well-managed warm-up period signals that you are a responsible sender.

How to Warm-Up Your Email Account

  • Start Small: Begin with sending just 10-20 emails per day. This small volume helps you test the waters without triggering spam filters.
  • Increase Gradually: Each day, increase your sending volume by 5-10 emails. Continue this until you reach your desired daily sending limit.
  • Monitor Performance: Pay close attention to your email metrics. High bounce rates or spam complaints are indicators that you need to slow down the warm-up process.
  • Engage with Recipients: Encourage responses to your emails. This positive engagement helps boost your reputation with ESPs.

Benefits of Email Warm-Up:

  • Higher Inbox Placement: Gradual warm-up leads to better inbox placement as ESPs trust your sending behavior.
  • Better Engagement: Warmed-up emails are more likely to be read and responded to, improving overall engagement rates.
  • Reduced Spam Complaints: A well-managed warm-up process reduces the likelihood of your emails being marked as spam.

Next, we’ll explore the essential email DNS setup to further optimize your campaigns. Stay tuned!

5. Essential Email DNS Setup

For a successful cold email campaign, proper email DNS setup is crucial. This ensures your emails are delivered to the inbox and not flagged as spam. Let’s dive into the key elements:

DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail)

DKIM is a protocol that allows an organization to take responsibility for a message in transit. It does this by affixing a digital signature to the email header, which can be verified by the receiving mail server. This helps in verifying that the content of the email has not been altered and that it truly comes from your domain.

Benefits of DKIM:

  • Integrity: Ensures the email content is not tampered with.
  • Authentication: Confirms the email is indeed sent from the claimed domain.

DMARC (Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting & Conformance)

DMARC is a policy that helps protect your domain from being used in phishing and email spoofing attacks. It builds on SPF and DKIM by providing a way for domain owners to publish a policy in their DNS records that tells receivers how to handle emails that fail SPF or DKIM checks.

Benefits of DMARC:

  • Enhanced Security: Protects against phishing and spoofing.
  • Reporting: Provides feedback on potential misuse of your domain.

SPF (Sender Policy Framework)

SPF records specify which mail servers are permitted to send emails on behalf of your domain. This helps prevent spammers from sending emails that appear to come from your domain.

Benefits of SPF:

  • Anti-Spoofing: Prevents unauthorized sources from sending emails claiming to be from your domain.
  • Improved Deliverability: Helps your emails pass spam filters by validating your sending IP addresses.

Practical Steps to Implement Email DNS Setup

  1. Set Up DKIM: Configure your domain’s DNS settings to include DKIM. This usually involves adding a TXT record provided by your email service.Setting up DKIM
  2. Configure DMARC: Create a DMARC policy by adding a TXT record to your DNS. Define how you want receiving servers to handle emails that fail SPF or DKIM checks. Setting up DMARC
  3. Enable SPF: Update your DNS records to include an SPF entry. This specifies which IP addresses or servers are allowed to send emails on behalf of your domain. Setting up SPF

Next, we’ll explore additional tips and best practices to optimize your email outreach further. Stay tuned!

6. Unsubscribe Link

Ensuring that your cold email campaigns are compliant with regulations and respect recipient preferences is crucial. One key aspect is the placement of the unsubscribe link. Best practices recommended by major email providers like Google and Yahoo include:

  • Visibility: Place the unsubscribe link where it is easily visible. Common placements are at the top header or the bottom footer of the email. This ensures that recipients can quickly find the link if they wish to opt out.
  • Accessibility: The unsubscribe link should be a simple, one-click process. Avoid making users log in or navigate through multiple pages to unsubscribe.
  • Clear Wording: Use clear and straightforward language, such as "Unsubscribe" or "Manage your email preferences," to avoid confusion.
  • Compliance: Ensure the link complies with regulations like GDPR and CAN-SPAM, which require a functional and easy-to-find unsubscribe option in every email.

Example Placement in an Email:

  • Header: Including an unsubscribe link at the top of the email can be beneficial as it shows transparency and respect for the recipient's preferences right away.
  • Footer: Traditionally, the unsubscribe link is placed at the bottom of the email, which is still effective as it is expected by most users.

By following these best practices, you enhance the user experience, build trust with your recipients, and maintain compliance with email marketing regulations.

7. Additional Best Practices

Beyond the basics, there are several additional tips to enhance your cold email campaigns and ensure they are effective and engaging. These practices will help you achieve better results and improve your overall email marketing strategy.

Email Content

The content of your emails plays a crucial role in the success of your campaign. Here’s how to make sure your emails hit the mark:

  • Concise and Relevant: Keep your emails short and to the point. Busy professionals appreciate brevity, especially when dealing with cold emails.
  • Personalized: Tailor your emails to each recipient. Use their name, mention their company, or reference a recent achievement. Personalization shows that you’ve done your homework and increases the chances of a positive response.
  • Avoid Spammy Language: Words like “free,” “urgent,” or excessive use of exclamation points can trigger spam filters. Instead, use clear, professional language.
  • Limit Links and Images: Too many links or images can also trigger spam filters. Focus on delivering your message with minimal distractions.

Tracking and Analytics

Using tracking and analytics tools is essential to measure the effectiveness of your campaigns and make data-driven decisions:

  • Open Rates: Track how many recipients open your emails. This metric helps you understand the effectiveness of your subject lines.
  • Click-Through Rates (CTR): Measure the percentage of recipients who click on links within your email. A higher CTR indicates that your content is engaging and relevant.
  • Responses: Monitor how many recipients reply to your emails. This is a direct indicator of your campaign’s success.

Key Takeaways

  • Effective Email Content: Be concise, relevant, and personalized. Avoid spammy language and excessive links or images.
  • Utilize Analytics: Track open rates, CTR, and responses to optimize your campaigns.
  • Stay Compliant: Adhere to GDPR, CAN-SPAM, and other relevant regulations. Provide clear opt-out options.

By following these best practices, you can significantly enhance your cold email campaigns, ensuring higher engagement and better results for AI Piping. Stay tuned for more insights and strategies to take your email marketing to the next level!


Setting up a cold email campaign requires careful planning and attention to detail. By purchasing a new custom domain, properly warming up your email accounts, and ensuring your DNS settings are correctly configured, you can maximize your chances of success. Remember to continuously monitor your campaigns and make adjustments as needed to maintain high deliverability and engagement rates

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